The HELP menu. How I passed the CSWA.

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One of the beauties of taking an exam like the CSWA or CSWP is that to complete it you need access to Solidworks. Not only does this give you the ability to create parts and gather an answer to modeling questions but it also gives you access to the help menu. I can not count the number of times I’ve heard critics of the CSWA or CSWP declare “How would I know that, I never use that part of the system” usually this comment is in response to a multiple choice question which only appears on the CSWA exam.

I had no issue with ANY of the multiple choice, and see why some designers claim the test is lacking because of them, When I took the CSWA (at Solidworks World 2008) every single one of the multiple choice questions could be answered in under 60 seconds by simply accessing the help menu and checking the answer. Most I knew right off, but the peace of mind that comes from seeing it the question and answer verbatim in the documentation was a huge boost to my-in test moral.

The HELP files are PART OF SOLIDWORKS which means they are entirely usable during the exam. Use them.

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